Receiving Payments - PayID questions
How does PayID for business benefit me?
PayID is used for instant, secure payments between bank accounts. It’s easier to remember than a BSB and account number plus it can provide extra information for you and your payers.
Benefits include:
- Ubiquitous - everyone with a bank account in Australia can use it right now
- No separate apps
- A simpler way to pay
- Reduce fraud
- Low-cost
- Fast setup
- Straight through reconciliation
- Real Time Response
Can I configure a specific PayID setup that I want to use?
Yes, you can configure the setup of different types of PayIDs to suit your business’ specific use cases.
Currently Azupay supports the setup of the following types of PayIDs: Once-off Dynamic PayID, Static Open PayID and Static Recycled PayID.
Please refer to this link on our Developer Portal that explains in detail the different PayID arrangements and how you can configure the setup to suit your business use cases: PayID configuration setup
What is the maximum payment amount that someone can transfer to a PayID?
The maximum amount depends on the limits imposed by the payer's financial institution. This is typically part of the account's ‘Pay Anyone’ limit.
There is no limit imposed by Azupay or NPP.
Do my customers making payments to an Azupay PayID need to have their own PayID setup?
No. End users are not required to have their own PayID. Source account PayID is not sent to us by the NPP as part of the payment data.
Does Azupay support QR code(s)?
Yes, a Payment Request app URL is returned to the Merchant along with each request for a PayID when that Merchant is setup to use the Payment Request Checkout app. The QR code, payment amount and PayID is displayed on the main landing page of the Payment Request app for the user to more easily make payment to the PayID.
What happens if my customer makes a payment to an expired PayID?
Payment(s) made to an expired PayID will be immediately refunded to the customer.
What are the character and prefix limitations for an email address PayID?
Only Alphanumeric - Lowercase characters are allowed.
Max 50 characters - Inclusive of the domain part.
For more information on how to configure PayIDs, please refer to the Developer Portal here: PayID configuration setup
What branding should I use to accept PayID payments?
We recommend you use PayID branding. Please refer to PayID logo’s, Brand Standards and Terms & Conditions published by the NPPA.
How do I process a refund for PayID payments?
Refunds for PayID payments can be initiated via API or through the Azupay Dashboard. Partial refunds for part of the payment amount or full refunds for the total amount of the original payment can be made in this way.
Does Azupay automatically reject payments at Merchant request using API calls?
No, payments cannot be rejected automatically via API. However once a payment is settled, the payment can immediately be refunded by calling the refund API. Funds will never hit your external bank account in this case.
For PayID creation what format do you support?
PayIDs are generated in email format only. Azupay will generate PayIDs for your business using your business domain name included as part of the PayID. For example: [email protected]
Can I create Payment Request generating a PayID without making an API call?
Yes, Merchants are able to create Payment requests generating a PayID to accept payments using the ‘New Payment' function found at the top RHS of the screen on the Azupay dashboard landing page.
Updated 10 months ago