Partners and Sub Merchant Set-Up
How do I add a sub merchant to my account?
You can add a sub-merchant to your account by raising a service desk ticket: Request a Sub-merchant account. Depending on the type of integration partner you are, you may also be eligible to onboard customers via the /clients API. Depending on your KYC arrangements, Azupay may still need to review the sub-merchant before they are enabled.
Can sub-merchants have separate reporting?
All reporting is at a per client level. As a result, all sub-merchants will have dedicated reporting specific to their accounts.
How many sub-merchant can be created?
Azupay does not have an upper limit for sub-merchant onboarding.
Should the users be added to the sub-merchant or parent level as Dashboard users?
The Azupay Dashboard follows a hierarchical permission model, and requires a dashboard user be unique across all accounts. All dashboard users of the parent merchant account can drill down into a sub-merchant account from the dashboard, and will have access to all sub-merchant accounts on your account.
If a user should only have access to the specific sub-merchant’s details, ensure you invite them to the sub-merchant dashboard to enforce the proper access level. If you have specific use cases where a user needs to access multiple sub-merchant accounts but should not have access to the parent account, use unique email addresses.
Most email providers support Plus Addressing, which allows you to have two or more email addresses registered to a single account by using + after the user portion of an email address, such as [[email protected], [email protected]]. See Plus Addressing in Exchange Online for more information on this approach.
If users are added to the parent level do they have access to all sub-merchant accounts?
Yes, a user who is added to the parent level will inherit permissions for all sub-merchants.
If users are added to a sub-merchant will they have access to the parent and other sub-merchant accounts?
No. Azupay uses a hierarchical access model for accounts, and users will only ever be able to access the account they are invited to, and any child accounts of that account. As unique user accounts are enforced across the platform, this means a user will only ever have access to itself and child accounts of itself. If a user needs to have access to the parent account and other sub-merchant accounts, their account should be deleted, and re-invited to the parent.
If reports are sent via SFTP how can we differentiate reports between different sub-merchants
SFTP configuration is done at a per client level, and a user specified target folder can be set for each sub-merchant. We recommend creating a unique root folder for each sub-merchant if you plan to have all SFTP files pushed to the same server to cater for easily distinguishing between sub-merchants.
How do I access my sub-merchant client ID?
Sub-merchant client IDs are currently shared on account creation. If you need to retrieve your sub-merchant client id, please lodge a service desk ticket.
Updated 9 months ago