Payment Request - PayID Checkout app questions
How do I enable the PayID Checkout app?
Login to the Azupay dashboard, navigate to Apps section, find the Checkout app and click the 'Checkout Enabled' toggle button to on.
How do I integrate with Azupay to use the Checkout app?
Create any type of PayID: in the response body of the POST /v2/paymentRequest call, there will be a field called PaymentRequestStatus.checkoutUrl
For futher details refer to this page on the Azupay Developer portal: Payment Request App - PayID checkout
Can I customise elements of the PayID Checkout app?
You can customise the Checkout app pages to match your brand by uploading a logo and adjusting some colours. Here's how:
- Login to the Dashboard
- Navigate to Apps
- Find the Checkout App and click the Manage button
- Apply any changes you would like and click Save
- Your changes will be available immediately
What exception scenarios are handled by the Checkout app?
You can customise the Checkout app pages to match your brand by uploading a logo and adjusting some colours. Here's how:
- Incorrect Amount: this happens when the PaymentRequest is NOT a multiPayment and the payer pays the wrong amount. Will indicate that the full amount was refunded and ask for the correct payment to be done.
- Under payment: this happens when the PaymentRequest is multiPayment, has a paymentAmount and the payer pays less than the amount required.
In this case the checkout app will indicate that there is a remaining balance to be paid. - Overpayment: this also happens when the PaymentRequest is multiPayment, has a paymentAmount and the payer pays more than the amount required.
In this case the checkout widget will indicate the payer that there was a refund for the excess and will take them to the confirmation page.
This is considered a success scenario. - Expired payments: the Checkout app can poll for expired payments, which means once a customer fails to make a payment within the time set by you, the payment request expires and can no longer accept payments. The PayID associated with the payment request is deregistered. You can set the payment expiry time in the paymentExpiryDatetime field in PaymentRequest.
Can my customers cancel a transaction within the app?
The Checkout app main landing page will display a Cancel button if you supply a query string parameter cancelRedirectURL. The PayID associated with the payment request is deregistered when a user clicks the Cancel button.
The cancelRedirectURL must be URL encoded.
Can the Checkout app redirect to my website after payment is made?
Redirecting back to your website after payment: if you supply a query string parameter called redirectURL at the end of URL supplied in PaymentRequestStatus.checkoutUrl, then we will redirect your user to this URL after the payment has been received. The redirectURL must be url encoded.
If you use the iframe version, the page will send events with changes on the Payment Request status so you can use these events to remove the iframe instead. Refer here for more details of how to implement iFrame version of the PayID Checkout app: implementing the iFrame version
Can I embed the Checkout app as an iFrame?
You can render a stripped down version of this widget without logo or theme customisations that is more suitable for embedding inside you own web application as an HTML iframe. In this case the returned checkoutUrl will have a query parameter type=iframe. If the checkoutUrl that you received does not have it you can always append it, or request Azupay to set it up for you by default.
Updated 10 months ago