Making Payments Questions - PayOut questions
How do I initiate a PayOut transaction?
Merchants can initiate a PayOut transaction by calling the Make a Payment API and passing in required details to the payment object: Client Payment ID, Payee Name, BSB/Account number or PayID, Amount and Payment Description.
Does Azupay reject payments for any reason and provide visibility to the Merchant?
Azupay only rejects payments if the payment fails a validation rule based on specific configuration rules that you set as Client/merchant.
Example: if a PayID or amount is entered incorrectly.
What happens if the payment recipient banks with a non NPP participating bank?
Payments to AzupayOut recipients of non-NPP enabled banks will receive their funds via DE in 3-5 business days.
If you would prefer that payment is not sent at all if it cannot be sent in realtime you can configure your account to not use DE and fail the PayOut instead.
Updated 10 months ago