Identification Checklist
Identification Checklist for Domestic Proprietary Company
Thank you for choosing Azupay. So we can get you started, we will need some identification information and documents. The checklist below contains details of the types of information and documents we may require. Further information may be collected from you to support the establishment process, if required.
All documents should be current unless otherwise stated.
Information Required
- Full name of the company as registered with ASIC
- ACN issued to the company
- ABN issued to the company (if any)
- Full address of the company’s registered office (not a PO box)
- Full address of the company’s principal place of business (not a PO box) (if any)
- Full names of ALL company directors
- Full names, any other names known by, date of birth, foreign tax residency information and permanent residential address, including country (not a PO box) of ALL beneficial owners* (for unregulated companies only)
- Date and state/territory of registration/incorporation
- Full business name/trading name under which the company carries on their business (if any)
- For regulated companies1, name of Australian regulator and company licence details (e.g. licence number)
- Nature of business activities
- Source of funds
- Source of wealth
- Purpose of business relationship with the Bank
- Foreign tax residency information (if any) including country(ies) of tax residency (other than Australia), and associated Foreign Tax Identification Number (note: A Foreign TIN is an identifying number or equivalent issued by your country of tax residency that is for tax purposes)
*Any individual who owns (either directly or indirectly) 25% or more of the company or has control (directly or indirectly) of the company.
1 Regulated refers to the company being licensed and subject to regulatory oversight by an approved statutory Commonwealth, State or Territory regulator in relation to its activities as a company. Examples include APRA and ASIC.
Documents Required
Provide at least one of the following:
- ASIC certificate or registration
- A public document issued by the company within the last 12 months (e.g. audited annual accounts)
Please note: All documentation must be either an original or a certified copy certified by an authorised certifier.
Updated 10 months ago